«Voronezh Animation Studio» is an independent animation studio with highly skilled professionals located in Voronezh and Moscow. We develop, produce and distribute world-class animated films, series and content for streaming platforms. While working on each project, specialists from different offices of the studio interact with each other effectively in order to create a quality product for family viewing worldwide.


Our portfolio of feature-length animated films includes projects that have received high acclaim over international markets, including THE SNOW QUEEN franchise and WOLVES AND SHEEP. Our projects have been released in more than 150 countries, shown on the world's leading online platforms and won international festival competitions.


With the help of advanced technology, we produce audiovisual content for children and families. Together with iQIYI, China's largest streaming platform, we created a spin-off of the world-famous Snow Queen franchise. The animated series THE TALES OF WONDER KEEPERS was released on iQIYI's online platform, taking the #1 position among the most watched content in the children's category and gaining record growth in views after release.